Malaria Spatial Pattern as an Outbreak Mitigation Effort in South Bengkulu Regency

Pudia M Indika, D. Hermon, I. Dewata, E. Barlian, . Iswandi


Malaria is a disease caused by the parasite plasmodium sp, which is transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquitoes Anopheles. Bengkulu is a malaria endemic province located at western Indonesia. Climate change due to global warming causes malaria outbreak. This study aimed to describe distribution pattern of mitigating malaria through factors related climate. It used ecology study based on climate factors using Geographic Information System (GIS). Data were total of malaria incident, temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and sunlight. Data were analyzed by correlation test. We found that rainfall was high potentially correlated to malaria incident in South Bengkulu Regency.


Climate, Malaria, Mitigation

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