The Validity of Contextual-Based Physics Learning Videos to Improve Students' 4C Skills

Sadra Hamida, Desnita Desnita


21st century learning has had a rapid impact, especially in the world of education. 4C skills are skills that exist in the 21st century. The purpose of this study was to determine the validation results of contextual-based physics learning videos to improve students' 4C skills. Validation was carried out by 3 physics lecturers at the State University of Padang who are experts in their fields. Two learning expert lecturers and 1 physics expert lecturer. Validation of learning videos is carried out to get valid and quality learning videos before being used in school. The aspects that are assessed are the aspects of the feasibility of the construct / presentation, the aspects of the feasibility of the material / content, the aspects of language and aspects of graphics. This study uses the ADDIE development model. Contextual-based learning videos that are made according to events in students' daily lives. Instructional videos are a medium that can provide a place for teachers and students to apply temperature and heat material in the learning process. Contextual-based physics learning videos to improve students' 4C skills that are valid can be used in school.


Validation, 21st Century Learning, Learning Videos, Contextual, 4C Skills.

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