Analysing Food Consumption in Indonesia

Dian Hafizah, Dedi Budiman Hakim, Harianto Harianto, Rita Nurmalina


This study analyzed the patterns of food consumption of communities in Indonesia. The data used was the National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) data in 2016. The method used to achieve the research objectives was descriptive statistical analysis. The results obtained showed that the average household income in Indonesia in 2016 amounted to IDR 3,469,497/household and dominated by family heads with an education level equivalent to the elementary school of 60.65%. Rice was the most consumed commodity with a participation rate of 97.27 %, and this was also evidenced that rice is an important source of food in the community. The share of expenditure allocated by households to buy rice was 17 %. Based on the results, the government should promote a food diversification program so it can reduce people's dependence on rice and strengthen the food security in Indonesia.


Food, consumption, communities

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