Bio- Evaluation De La Qualité Des Eaux De Sources Par Les Protozoaires Intestinaux En Zone Equatoriale (Yaoundé, Cameroun)



In order to assess the physicochemical and biological quality of spring waters consumed in Yaoundé cysts and protozoan oocysts were isolated and identified in spring in the Yaounde 4th district from June to November 2017 following a monthly sampling frequency. The physicochemical analyzes were carried out in the field and in the Laboratory. The observation of the cysts and Oocysts of carried out under the microscope of the IVYMEN brand in the 40X objective after concentration. samples by the sedimentation method and the Faust technique. The physicochemical results reveal that the waters of the studied sources are slightly acidic (6.18 ± 0.08 UC), moderately mineralized (324.26 ± 18.18 μS / cm) with an average temperature (24.15 ± 0,12 ° C). The results of the biological analyzes reveal the presence of the forms of resistance of the intestinal protozoa such as: amoeba cysts (5±0.4parasite/l), flagellates (4±0,3parasite/l) ciliates (1±0,2paraite/l), oocysts and Sporozoan sporocyst (Cryptosporidium spp ...). In the samples studied, an average of 45 cysts and oocysts / l was identified with sizes ranging from 4 to 63 μm. Small cysts and oocysts are the most abundant with a predominance of Cryptosporidium spp. Oocysts. (2672 oocysts). With the highest cystic densities recorded during the small Dry Season (PSS). The presence of all these microorganisms indicates faecal pollution of the water. The degradation of the water quality is favored by their proximity to sources of pollution and precarious hygienic conditions. These waters must be treated before any consumpt


Spring, Cysts, Oocysts, Yaounde

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