The Influence of Madrasah Principal Leadership, Organizational Communication, and Teacher Commitment to Madrasah Effectiveness in MAN Jambi Province

Zulhimma Zulhimma, Martinis Yamin, Risnita Risnita


This study determined the effect of madrasah principal leadership, organizational communication, and teacher commitment to madrasah effectiveness. The purpose of this research is to enrich the scientific paradigm in the field of Islamic Education Management, especially the study of organizational behavior. This research is a quantitative research with a survey method. The study population was all civil servant teachers at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in Jambi Province. The sample of this research was 60 people who were taken using total sampling technique. A Likert scale questionnaire was used as an instrument. Data were analyzed by path analysis. The results showed that the headmaster's leadership, organizational communication and teacher commitment had an effect on the effectiveness of the madrasah. The implication is that the better the leadership of the madrasah principal, with smooth organizational communication and strong teacher commitment, the higher the effectiveness of the madrasah.

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