Effect of Learning Model Discovery of Competence Student Subject Biology Class VIII MTSN Rambah 2014/2015 Academic Year

Dahlia Lia


The play the caused of this study arose from the low of students' cognitive competence. In addition, the affective and psychomotor competences were never been assessed. This can be seen from the number of student exam scores who Achieved under the Minimum Standard Criteria. The purpose of this study was to Determine Whether student learning using discovery learning competence is better than conventional models of learning. This study used quasi-experimental with randomized control-group posttest only design. This study was conducted from January to April 2015. The Cognitive Data were Obtained by using the test, while affective and psychomotor Data were Obtained by using observation sheet. The statistical tests for the first hypothesis is T-test whereas for the second and third hypotheses use Mann Whitney U tests. The results Showed discovery learning models that can improve student learning outcomes. For the first hypothesis, it was Obtainedthat tobserved is 3,206. While for the second and third hypothesis, they were Obtained aspectis 0000 that the affective and the psychomotor aspectis 0001 for sig. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that teaching students with learning discovery Significantly, the model is better than the conventional learning models at MTsN Rambah in 2014/2015 academic year.


Discovery Learning Model, Student Competency

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v7.1.296


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