Stakeholders’ Perceptions In The Implementation Of Hybrid Training At The Higher Institute Of Technology Of Antananarivo



The hybridisation of engineering training at the Higher Institute of Technology of Antananarivo is currently an unavoidable step towards totally remote learning. The protagonists’ impressions on the training should be known in order to continuously improve the device. Two surveys were thus carried out, one among all the engineering students from the Institute's three Colleges and another one among the teachers involved in it. The objective of the survey is to find out the stakeholders’ perceptions in an alternative to face-to-face training. Indeed, the system motivates both teachers and students despite their fear of insufficient internet connection, reduced social ties and pedagogical interactions. Paths are thus put forward to identify the favourable factors in order to be able to issue concrete recommendations and ensure pedagogical continuity whatever the context. Resources and pedagogy should therefore meet digital university educational standards provided that the students own adequate computer equipment and have access to Internet at a lower cost.


hybridization, perception, motivation, pedagogical continuity

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